The contents of the .tar file created by Gather Info depend on the option used and on the operating system.
The following sections provide only a summary of the contents of the .tar files. You can always double-click the file to display its contents.
What follows is a summary of the contents gathered by either Gather Config... options on Linux.
Gather Config Info contents:
/bin/df -h /bin/grep '^t[1-4]:' /etc/inittab /bin/ls -alR /boot /bin/netstat -nr /bin/ps -ef /bin/rpm -qa --pipe sort /bin/uname -a /opt/Autodesk/sw/sw_df /opt/Autodesk/sw/tools/sw_framestore_dump /opt/Autodesk/sw/tools/sw_framestore_dump --local /sbin/chkconfig --list /sbin/fdisk -l /sbin/ifconfig -a /sbin/ifconfig -a /sbin/lsmod /sbin/lspci -v /usr/bin/expect /usr/local/bin/getDVIver.exp /usr/bin/printenv | sort /usr/bin/uptime /usr/local/bin/dlConfigCheck -c -s <FlameFamily_version> /usr/local/bin/hinv -v /usr/local/bin/nvidiainfo /usr/local/bin/platforminfo /usr/sbin/dmidecode /usr/sbin/lshw
Gather Config Info and Log Files contents:
/bin/df -h /bin/grep '^t[1-4]:' /etc/inittab /bin/ls -alR /boot /bin/netstat -nr /bin/ps -ef /bin/rpm -qa --pipe sort /bin/uname -a /opt/Autodesk/sw/sw_df /opt/Autodesk/sw/tools/sw_framestore_dump /opt/Autodesk/sw/tools/sw_framestore_dump --local /sbin/chkconfig --list /sbin/fdisk -l /sbin/ifconfig -a /sbin/ifconfig -a /sbin/lsmod /sbin/lspci -v /usr/bin/expect /usr/local/bin/getDVIver.exp /usr/bin/printenv | sort /usr/bin/uptime /usr/local/bin/dlConfigCheck -c -s <FlameFamily_version> /usr/local/bin/hinv -v /usr/local/bin/nvidiainfo /usr/local/bin/platforminfo /usr/sbin/dmidecode /usr/sbin/lshw
DKUversion exports fstab group hosts mtab nsswitch.conf passwd redhat-release resolv.conf xorg.conf
What follows is a summary of the contents gathered by either Gather Config... options on macOS.
Gather Config Info contents:
/bin/df -h /bin/ps -ef /opt/Autodesk/sw/sw_df /opt/Autodesk/sw/tools/sw_framestore_dump /opt/Autodesk/sw/tools/sw_framestore_dump --local /sbin/ifconfig -a /usr/bin/printenv | sort /usr/bin/uname -a /usr/bin/uptime /usr/sbin/pkgutil --packages /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPAudioDataType /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPDiagnosticsDataType /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPExtensionsDataType | grep ATTO /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPExtensionsDataType | grep NVDA /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPFibreChannelDataType /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPHardwareDataType /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPMemoryDataType /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPNetworkDataType /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPParallelSCSIDataType /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPPCIDataType /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType
Gather Config Info and Log Files contents:
exports fstab group hosts passwd resolv.conf