Install AutoCAD for Mac Silently

The improved installation experience includes silent installs on AutoCAD for Mac.

  1. Copy the local media to your macOS client.

  2. Open a Terminal window.

  3. Enter the following on the Command line:

    sudo /Volumes/Installer/Install\ Autodesk\ AutoCAD\ -–silent

Install silently on macOS using a secure shell (SSH)

  1. Connect to the macOS client using SSH.

  2. Copy the local media to your macOS client or to a local folder.

  3. From the SSH Terminal, mount the DMG file. Enter the following on the Command line:

    sudo hdiutil attach <image>.dmg
  4. From the SSH terminal, enter the following on the Command line:

    sudo /Volumes/Installer/Install\ Autodesk\ AutoCAD\ -–silent