Installation Structure

The AutoCAD Electrical installation directory structure contains:

Symbol Libraries

The symbol libraries and Symbol Builder template files are located at C:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Acade {version}\Libs.

The symbol library subfolder, \Libs, carries various AutoCAD Electrical schematic and panel layout symbol libraries. The \Libs\ folder structure can be easily copied and moved to a shared network drive. After you move the \Libs\ folder you must modify the path in Support File Search Path in the Options dialog box. You may also need to change the paths in your project properties.

The following libraries are automatically installed:

JIC1/JIC125 USA Standard (Inch units)
IEC2/IEC 60617 European Standard (MM units)
JIS2 Japanese Standard (MM units)
GB2 Chinese Standard (MM units)
AS2 Australian Standard (MM units)
IEEE 315/315A Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standard (MM units)
NFPA National Fire Protection Association Standard (Inch units)
Panel Physical Footprint Block Files (Inch units)
Panel_mm Physical Footprint Block Files (MM units)
HYD_ISO125 Hydraulic Schematic (Inch units)
HYD_mm Hydraulic Schematic (MM units)
PNEU_ISO125 Pneumatic Schematic (Inch units)
PNEU_mm Pneumatic Schematic (MM units)
PID Process and Instrumentation Library (Inch units)

Main Executable and Support Files

Main executables and support files are located at C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD {version}\. The \ACADE\ subfolder carries AutoCAD Electrical executables, several bitmap files, and other support files.

Support Files

The Support files folder structure contains the support files that have the potential of being altered by the user. The installation program creates a new Autodesk\AutoCAD Electrical release subfolder entry under the user loginname\AppData folder. This Application data folder is normally marked as hidden within Windows Explorer and users may need to access and customize these files.

The base \Support\ folder contains the AutoCAD Electrical .mnl files, icon menu .dat files, and the slide library .slb files referenced by the icon menus.

The \AeToolPalette\Palettes\ subfolder structure contains AutoCAD Electrical specific .atc files.

The \User\ folder is where AutoCAD Electrical writes customized user settings files, stores temporary files, and maintains the user scratch database files for the projects. This needs to be on a per-logged-in user basis, not shared with other users.

Data Files

Modifiable support files and database content are located at C:\Users{username}\Documents. The AEDATA folder structure contains various database and project drawing files that will be altered by the user. The installation program creates a new ACADE {version}\subfolder entry under the user login name\Documents\ folder.

The \AeData\ folder contains the wd.env environment settings file and the following subfolders:

default_cat.mdb file Vendor Parts Catalog
footprint_lookup.mdb used for the footprint mapping file
schematic_lookup.mdb used for the schematic mapping file
wd_picklist.mdb sample pick list
wddinrl.xls DIN RAIL parametric build spreadsheet
wd_lang1.mdb customizable language swapping database file
ace_electrical_standards.mdb Circuit Builder Motor and Wire type database file

Customizable LISP and DCL Files

The installation includes sample files that can be used to customize reports. These are located at C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD {version}\Acade\Support{language code}\Shared\.