Online Deployment: Setup Shared Content Libraries

Start the Online Deployment from the Accounts Portal and select AutoCAD Mechanical.

To share the content libraries during the creation of deployment:

  1. Select the "Use Shared Content libraries" radio button under Content Library in the Customizations section.
  2. Specify the location of “Path information file for shared content libraries.” (For example, if the content libraries are located on a shared drive, enter the path of contentlib.xml file as \\SharedDrive\Gef\Gdb\contentlib.xml)
  3. Check “Create a local copy of the path information file” if you want to have a separate local copy of the Path Information file.
  4. Click Next. Specify the Deployment Name, and Deployment Image Path.
  5. Create the deployment.
  6. After the deployment is created, run the batch file in the folder where the Deployment is created, to install AutoCAD Mechanical.
  7. Once the product is installed, start a new drawing and start the command AMOPTIONS. Select the AM:Content tab. Click on “File Locations.”
  8. Verify that the “Path Information File” points to the path of the Shared Content Library.

Now you can start working on the Standard or Custom Content that is available in the Shared Content Library.