About Table-driven iFeatures

A table-driven iFeature is an iFeature that contains different versions of an iFeature organized in a table.

Each row in the table contains parameters, properties, threads, placement geometry, and custom parameters. A table-driven iFeature is useful for standardizing components in different configurations.

The iFeature Author converts an iFeature to a table-driven iFeature. The parameters and placement geometry that you define in the original iFeature represent the column headings in a table-driven iFeature. After an iFeature is converted by the iFeature Author, it can no longer be modified with the Edit iFeature command. To modify a table-driven iFeature, you select or define different parameters, then select that version of the iFeature to replace the current version.

You can convert an entire part as an iFeature, by first creating a table-driven iPart and saving it as a table-driven iFeature that can be modified by using the iFeature Author.