About Special Drawing Views

Explains exploded views, splines in drawing views, and salvaged drawing views.

The following views can be useful for special purposes.

Exploded views

Exploded views and other presentation views are developed in a separate presentation file. A presentation file can contain as many views of an assembly as needed. When you add a presentation view to drawing, you specify the presentation file and view to use.

Splines in drawing views

When you generate drawing views of models with spline geometry, now real spline curves are used in drawings. The real spline geometry is used for newly created splines only.

Salvaged drawing views

When importing models the data can sometimes be poor. You can create drawing views without cleaning up the data.

When you create a drawing view for sick imported data, a warning dialog is displayed. If you decide to create a salvaged view, an alternate algorithm for computing is used, and the resulting salvaged view is marked by an icon next to the view node in the browser. The drawing view may not be accurate for the individual sick bodies. You can manually clean the drawing view, or discard it.