To Publish Presentations to Videos

You can publish storyboards to AVI and WMV video files.

  1. On the ribbon, click Presentation tabPublish panelPublish to Video.
  2. In the Publish to Video dialog box, set the Publish Scope.
    • Select All Storyboards, Current Storyboard, or Current Storyboard Range. For Current Storyboard Range, specify time interval to publish.
    • Select Reverse to publish the video in a reverse order, or, from end to start.
  3. In Video Resolution, select a predefined size of the video output window. Or, select Custom, and specify a custom Width and Height.
  4. In Output, enter a filename for the output file, and specify a folder to save the file.
  5. In the File Format list, select a format to publish to.
  6. Click OK to close the Publish to Video dialog box.
  7. For AVI videos only: In the Video Compression dialog box, select a video Compressor. If appropriate, set Compression Quality, and click OK.
