To Work with iFeature Parameters

Define parameters to clarify usage by renaming the default names. For example, rename a dimension “d1” to “plate length.” Names and prompts are automatically included in the iFeature Size Parameters table.

Add or Remove Parameters from an iFeature

  1. In the Extract iFeature dialog box, click to expand a feature. Then right-click to add or remove all of its parameters from the Size Parameters table.
  2. Right-click individual parameters to add or remove them from the Size Parameters table.

Modify Values in the Size Parameters Table

  1. In the browser, select an iFeature file (.ide) and click Edit iFeature.
  2. In the Size Parameters table, click the row that contains values you want to change and modify the parameters.
    • Name. Enter a descriptive name that clarifies use.
    • Value. Click to override the default parameter (within conditions specified in Limit).
    • Limit. Click the drop-down menu in the first row to set restrictions for Value. Select one of the following:
      • None (no restrictions)
      • List (restrict entries to preselected values)
      • Range (set minimum, maximum, and default values)
    • Prompt Click to enter a descriptive instruction that displays in the dialog box when the iFeature is placed.

Verify the Name of a Parameter

  1. In the browser, select the feature.
  2. Right-click, and click Show Dimensions.
  3. Double-click the dimension. The value displays in the edit box, and the name of the parameter displays in the title bar. Both values are included when you create iFeatures from the feature.