Add or edit connector pin part-level and occurrence properties

Add or edit part-level pin properties

  1. In the browser or graphics window, open the part to edit.
  2. Right-click a pin, and then select Harness Properties from the context menu.
  3. In the Connector Pin Properties dialog box: On the General tab, modify or enter the pin name.
    Note: Pin name cannot be modified if the pin is part of a pin group.
  4. If appropriate, click the Custom tab to add new properties or modify existing properties.
    • To add new properties, enter a Name, Type, and Value, and then click Add.
    • To modify existing properties, select the property to modify, change the settings as needed, and then click Modify.
  5. Click Apply to continue adding or modifying properties or OK to finish.

Add or edit pin occurrence properties in the assembly

  1. In the browser, double-click the harness assembly.
  2. Right-click a pin to edit in the graphics window or browser, and then select Connector Pin Properties to or Wire properties to view or modify values.
  3. In the General tab, enter a new name if desired. If the pin is part of a group, you cannot change the name.
  4. Click the Custom tab: To add new properties, enter a Name, Type, and Value, and then click Add. To modify existing properties, select the property to modify, change the settings as needed, and then click Modify.
    • Type Data type for the selected property. Click the arrow to select a data type from the list.
    • Value Sets the value for the selected property.
    • Name Displays pin name.
    • Add Adds a new property to the list.
    • Modify Changes the selected property's name, type, or value.
    • Delete Removes the selected property from the list.
  5. Click the Virtual tab to assign or remove virtual parts (not available for all splice pins):
    • Type Sets or displays the type of virtual part, such as terminal or loom.
    • Category Sets or displays the category in which the desired virtual part is located (optional).
    • Name Sets or displays the name of the desired virtual part in the Cable & Harness Library.
    • Add Adds a new virtual part to the list.
    • Delete Removes the selected virtual part from the list.
    • Virtual part list Lists the virtual parts assigned to the selected pin along with their type, category, and name.
  6. Click Apply to continue modifying or adding properties or OK to finish.

Restore part-level properties on the occurrence

If a property value is overridden on the connector pin occurrence, the part-level value appears in the lower-left side of the dialog box when you select the property name in the table. You can restore this value if desired.

  1. In the browser, double-click the harness assembly.
  2. In the browser, right-click the pin occurrence, and then select Connector Pin Properties from the context menu.
  3. On the Connector Pin Properties dialog box Custom tab, select any custom property displayed with a dark background.
  4. Select a property whose value has been overridden.
  5. Right-click, and then select Restore.
  6. Click Apply to continue restoring part-level properties or OK to finish.