Import Options Reference

Configuration (DWG, DWF only)
Specifies the default AutoCAD configuration for the imported files.
Save Components During Load (Inventor Professional only, not available for DWG, DXF, SAT)
Saves imported components to disk automatically after they are translated. Saves part and assembly files to the paths specified in the destination edit boxes that are in the same grouping. If you save files, existing files with the same names are moved to the Old Versions folder.

CATIA V5 part file names are used as Inventor file names, including parts within assemblies.

For JT files, Save Components During Load minimizes memory consumption by saving each component to disk during the import process. If you import larger assemblies and experience long import times or import failures, use this option to reduce memory requirements. For smaller assemblies, the increased process time required to save each component to disk can offset the benefit of improved memory utilization.

For Rhino files, specify either file destinations in the active project, or add the paths to the project, so that referenced files resolve when you open a file.

Embed in Document (Not available for DWG, DXF, SAT)
Generates a translation report and embeds it in the part or assembly document.

For JT, Rhino, OBJ, and STL files, this option displays the translation report icon , under the third party browser node , in your new file. To view the translation report, double-click the report icon, or right-click and select Edit.

Save to Disk (Inventor Professional only, not available for DWG, DXF, SAT)
Generates a translation report and saves it to disk. For Rhino, OBJ, and STL file types, a copy of the report is saved to the Component Destination Folder.

For JT files, this option saves a copy of the translation report to disk. Under Save Options, if Place Top-level Assembly in Separate Folder is selected, the translation report is stored along with the top-level assembly. Otherwise, the report is stored in the Component Destination Folder.

Import into Repair Environment (JT and Rhino only)
Checks the model for errors and creates a repair node in the browser. You can edit, diagnose, and repair an imported base body in the Repair environment. A repair body participates in the model history.
Import Assembly as Single Part (not available for DWG, DXF, OBJ, STL, Alias, Rhino)
Specifies how parts are recreated in the Inventor model. Available only when Import Assembly as a Single Part is selected.
  • Single Composite Feature. Imports all the parts in the source file as part of a single composite feature in the part environment.
  • Multiple Solid Part. Imports all the parts in the source file as individual solid bodies in the part. For duplicate file names, appends a colon and an incremental number, starting with 1, such as :1.
Create Surfaces As (Inventor Professional only, not available for DWG, DXF, OBJ, STL)
Specifies how the surfaces are imported into the Inventor file.
  • Individual Surface Bodies. Each surface is created as a single surface body in the part modeling environment. Each surface body has its own browser node that is a child of the root node.
  • Single Composite Feature. Each surface is created as a single composite, regardless of what level, layer, or group it originates from. The result is only one composite node that is a child of the root node.
  • Multiple Composite Features. The composites are created from the levels, layer, or groups. Each level, layer, or group is created as an individual composite feature that has the same name as the level, layer, or group it originates from. Each composite feature has its own browser node that is a child of the root node. (This option is used only for IGES, STEP, Alias, CATIA V4 and V5, and Rhino.)
  • Single Construction Group. Each surface is created as a single group in the construction environment regardless of what level, layer, or group it originates from. The result is one group node that is a child of the construction folder node.
  • Multiple Construction Groups. Each group is created from the levels, layer, or groups. Each level, layer, or group is created as an individual construction group that has the same name as the level, layer, or group it originates from. Each construction group has its own browser node that is a child of the construction folder node. (This option is used only for IGES, STEP, Alias, CATIA V4 and V5, and Rhino.)
Tessellation Detail (JT only)
Controls the tessellation of the imported meshes.
Import Units (not available for DWG, DXF)
Converts the imported geometry and parameter values to the selected units.
Check Parts During Load (not available for DWG, DXF, OBJ, STL, Rhino)
Performs a quality check on the imported data. Checks each body within a composite until it locates a bad body. Marks the bad body with a white “i”, and the check stops.
Note: For Rhino files, this option is unavailable; the quality check of the imported data is automatically performed when you choose to create surfaces as composite features. For JT files, this option is in addition to the automatic check of composites, and it can significantly increase the amount of time required to translate a file.

For JT files, this option is in addition to the automatic check of composites, and it can significantly increase the amount of time required to translate a file.

Enable Advanced Healing (not available for DWG, DXF, OBJ, STL)
Performs operations like retrimming surfaces, reconstructing spline surfaces, reintersecting surfaces, and so on, to make imported models watertight and usable in Inventor. The operations alter some of the geometry slightly.

For JT and Rhino files, the process can add computational time to the import process.

Auto Stitch and Promote (Inventor Professional only, not available for DWG, DXF, OBJ, STL)
Stitches surfaces upon import. If stitching results in a solid body, it is promoted to the part environment.