To Create Templates for Drawings

You can create a template for drawings from a drawing that uses an existing or IDW template or from an AutoCAD file.

Create a Template from a Drawing that Uses an Existing Template

  1. Click File New, select an .idw template, and then click OK.
  2. Customize settings in the Tools tab Options panel Document Settings dialog.
  3. Customize drawing resources by creating custom drawing borders, title blocks, sheet formats, or sketch symbols, or by copying drawing resources from another file.
  4. Add sheets in the drawing.
  5. Do the following to customize the template:
    • (Optional) Replace the existing border and title block in the drawing.
    • Specify the drafting standard and styles in Style and Standard Editor.
    • Place the default base views and projected views.
    • Add note text, revision tables, and sketch symbols to the sheet.
  6. Save the file in the Templates folder.

Create a DWG Template from an IDW Template

  1. In Autodesk Inventor, click File New, select an .idw template, and then click OK.
  2. Click File Save As Save Copy As.
  3. In the Save Copy As dialog, locate the Templates folder.
  4. From the Save As Type list, select Inventor Drawing Files (.dwg).