To Work with Parameters in Models

Add, define, edit, and copy model parameters.

What's New: 2021.1

You can define numeric parameters, text parameters, or true/false parameters. (Only numeric parameters support expressions.) Although you can define multiple values for a parameter, a parameter can have only one value at any time.

You can also change the value of an existing parameter by editing the sketch dimension or the feature.

Tip: If you use the same parameters in many parts, create a template file that contains the parameters. Save the template in the Templates folder to use when creating new part files.

Display the Parameters Dialog

  1. On the ribbon, click Manage tab Parameters panel Parameters.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • To filter the display of parameters, select a filter from the Filters list .
    • Expand or collapse the Model Parameters list and the User Parameters list.
    • To delete a parameter, right-click on the parameter row and select Delete Parameter.
    • Right-click and select Copy/Paste or use the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V shortcut to copy and paste values within the Parameters dialog.

Change a Name or Value in the Parameters Dialog

  1. In the Parameters dialog, locate the parameter to change.
  2. If you entered a dimension or other value in an edit box, the value is listed here.

  3. To change the Parameter Name, Equation, or Comment, click in the corresponding box to select the existing value and then enter the new value
  4. Press Enter to save the change.
  5. To update the model, click Update on the Quick Access toolbar.

    When you edit a feature, all dependent parameters change with the feature.

    Note: Only normal dimensions can be manually edited. Convert driven (reference) dimensions to normal dimensions so you can edit them. In an overconstrained sketch, you may have to first convert other dimensions to driven (reference) parameters or remove some dimensions or constraints, before you can convert driven dimensions to normal dimensions.

Add Numeric User Parameters

  1. In the Parameters dialog, click Add Numeric from the drop-down menu to add a numeric parameter row to the User Parameters table.
  2. Click in the boxes to enter the Parameter Name, Units, and Equation.

    When you click the Units box, you use the Unit Type dialog to choose units. You can also build compound unit specifications, such as in/sec, using operators such as multiplication, division, or exponentiation.

  3. Select the Key checkbox if the parameter is a key parameter.

Add Text or True/False User Parameters

  1. At the bottom of the Parameters dialog, do one of the following:
    • Choose Add Text to add a text parameter row.
    • Choose Add True/False to add a Boolean parameter row.
  2. Click in the Parameter Name box to enter the name.
  3. Edit the Equation box to set the parameter’s value.
  4. Select Key if the parameter is a key parameter.

Specify Multiple Values for a Parameter

  1. In the Parameters dialog, right-click the parameter row and select Make Multi-Value.
  2. In the Value List Editor dialog, enter the values in the Add New Item area, with each value on a separate line. Use the Enter key to add new lines as necessary.

    The value list items for numeric parameters can be actual parameter expressions.

  3. Click Add to move the values to the Value field.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Once you have created a multi-value parameter, you can do any of the following:
    • To choose a different value, click the Equation box and use the drop-down arrow.
    • To edit a multi-value list, right-click the Equation box.

Use a Custom Value for a Multi-Value Parameter

You can add only one custom value to a multi-value parameter. If you attempt to add another custom value, the previous custom value is overwritten.

  1. In the Parameters dialog, right-click on the Equation box of the parameter, and select Edit Multi-Value List.
  2. In the Value List Editor dialog, select Allow custom values.
  3. Click OK to close the Value List Editor.
  4. Click the arrow in the Equation box of the parameter to display the list of values, and select the new choice <Custom Value>.
  5. Overwrite the value in the Equation box, and press Enter.

    The custom value is now a member of the list of available values in the Equation box, and it is the currently selected value. However, the custom value is not included in the multi-value list displayed in the Value List Editor for that parameter.

  6. To remove the custom value, change the value to one of the other values. Then, open the Value List Editor for the parameter and clear the checkbox for Allow custom values.

Copy to User Parameter

This contextual option within parameters allows you to add a copy of a pre-existing parameter to your list of user parameters.

  1. On the ribbon, click Manage tab Parameters.
  2. In the Parameters dialog box, right-click on the row of the parameter you wish to be copied and select Copy to User Parameter. This Copy feature can be utilized (Pasted) multiple times.
  3. At the bottom of the list, under User Parameters, there is a new copy of the parameter with a new Parameter Name suffix _copy. On creation, the Parameter Name cell is highlighted for edit, allowing the ability to quickly populate a desired Parameter name.
  4. Click Done to close the Parameter dialog box.

Display Exported Parameters in Bill of Material and Parts List

  1. In the Bill of Materials or Parts List dialogs, click the Column Chooser.
  2. Select the Custom Properties field.
  3. From the Available Properties field, select the parameters that you want to appear in the bill of material or parts list.
  4. Click Done. The selected parameter appears as a new column.

Import or Export Parameters to XML

Use the Import from XML and Export to XML buttons to import or export parameters to XML, and export model and user parameters to component properties.