Slider Reference

Provides the tools to create a slider assembly.

  On the Mold Assembly tab, click Slider.

Place slider dialog box


Specifies the type of slider assembly in a drop-down list.


Enables customization of the slider assembly.

Plastic Part

Specifies a plastic part in the graphics window.

Pull Direction

Sets the pull direction of the slider. In the graphics window, select a straight edge, face, or planar surface as a reference.

Flip Direction

Reverses the pull direction.

Defines the offset value from the selected Pull Direction element.

Base Plane

Specifies the base plane of the slider. In the graphics window, select a face or planar surface as a reference.

Flip Side

Places the slider above or below the selected base plane.

Defines the offset value from the selected Base Plane element.

Base Point

Specifies the base point of the slider. In the graphics window, select a solid point or a work point as a reference.

Defines the offset value from the selected Base Point element.

Pin Plane

Specifies the pin plane of the slider. In the graphics window, select a planar surface or plane as a reference.

Defines the offset value from the selected Pin Plane element.

Preview Displays an image of the selected slider assembly.
Drawing Distance

Specifies a side core and preview the travel.

Angle Pin Min. Length

Defines the travel value of the selected side core.

Automatically calculates the length of the angle pin as a reference value.

Components Specifies a component of the slider assembly to customize.
Note: To modify the components, select the Customize check box.
Import Size

Imports a selected slider assembly into the mold design.

Save Size

Saves the slider assembly as a template.

Preview update

Updates the preview of the slider assembly in the graphics window.

Slider component

Preview Displays an image of the slider component.
Size Specifies the size of the part in the drop-down list.
Dimensions Reviews or changes the parameter values of the part. To change the parameter values, select Dimension in the drop-down list, or enter values in the text box.