Adding sketch symbols to a drawing

Sketch symbols available in the current drawing are listed in the browser Drawing Resources Sketch Symbols folder.

  1. On the ribbon, click Annotate tab Symbols panel Sketch Symbol.
  2. In the Sketch Symbols dialog box, select the symbol you would like to place within your drawing.
  3. Set the scale and rotation angle for the selected symbol.
  4. Select the Symbol Clipping check box to trim dimension lines, leader lines, and extension lines behind symbols. Clear the check box to show leader or extension lines across the symbol.
  5. Select the Static check box to turn off scale and rotation grip points on the symbol. Clear the check box to allow manual resizing and rotation of the symbol.
  6. Specify if the symbol is placed with a leader.
    • Clear the Visible check box to place the symbol with an invisible leader, which is shown as a dashed line during placement.
    • When you create a leader line, hold the CTRL key on your keyboard to enable leader line snapping in 15° steps.
    Tip: Symbols with leaders can be associated with a component and display the component properties. If the leader is not created or is deleted, the symbol is associated to the source model for first created drawing view. Leaders with visibility turned off are not shown on the drawing view, but allow the symbol to retain its model association.
  7. Alternatively, you can enter search criteria in the Search For bar to locate a symbol in the Symbol Libraries.
  8. Select the desired symbol and click OK to close the dialog box. Then, click in the graphics window to place the symbol.
  9. Continue to place symbols, right-click, and select Done.

    After you place symbols in a drawing, the browser lists each instance in the Sketch Symbols folder for the sheet.

Add a sketch symbol using the default settings

  1. In the browser, right-click a symbol in the Sketch Symbols folder in Drawing Resources, and click Insert.

    Alternatively, double-click the symbol.

  2. Click in the graphics window to place the symbol.
  3. Continue placing symbols. When you finish, right-click, and then select Done.

    The symbol is placed using the default scale and rotation angle and leader setting. Right-click and select Edit Symbol to modify settings.

Stack a symbol to another symbol

When placing a new symbol without leader, press the Shift key on your keyboard. Then move the cursor over the square bounding box of an existing sketch symbol until the green dot appears, and click to place the symbol. The new symbol is stacked at the corresponding side of the selected symbol.