Replace the default border with a custom border and set properties, such as specified zones and text style.
The Drawing Resources folder in the browser contains a definition of a default border that you can add to new drawing sheets. You can also define a custom border, or copy a drawing border definition from another drawing.
You can change the size and general properties of the default border or a zoned custom border as you add it.
You can create two types of custom borders: A zone border, or a border with no predefined zones. New custom borders are added to the Drawing Resources folder in the browser.
You can change the number of zones and labeling for a custom border placed in the drawing. You cannot edit the default border after it is placed. To change the border, delete it and insert a new border with the appropriate properties.
When you define a custom border, you can also define connection points for title block placement. You typically locate a connection point on the drawing border, but you can place a connection point anywhere on the drawing.
When you place a title block, the outermost corner of the title block, relative to the center of the drawing, attaches to the connection point. If you have more than one connection point per drawing quadrant, the title block attaches to the point furthest from the center of the drawing.
A sheet can include only one border. Delete the existing drawing border before you place a new border in the sheet.