Table Reference

Configure a table, and optionally identify a data source file.


On the ribbon, click Annotate tab Table panel General .


Specifies the source document that the table references.
Tip: To create an empty table, do not select any source.

Select View

Select a view of a part or assembly Model State, or an iPart or iAssembly to specify a source file.

Browse for file

Click to select a file from the list or click Browse to navigate to the file location.

If the selected file is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xls), Start Cell and Column Header are active on the Open dialog box. Specify the cell from which to start copying data for the table.

Note: Data is copied from the first worksheet only, starting at the specified cell. When the source is an .xls or .csv file, data import stops when a blank row or column is encountered.

Specify table data source

Specifies the source that the table references. If the selected file includes several sources for table data, select the appropriate source from the list.

Columns and Rows

Sets columns and rows to add in the table.

Columns, Data Rows

Specifies number of rows and columns.

Available when creating a general table.

Data Start Cell

Sets the starting cell on the source sheet.

Available when creating a general table using an external .xls or .xlsx file.

Column Header Row

Specifies the position of the table header row in the source .xls or .xlsx file.

Use First Row for Column Headers

Clear the selection to leave the column headers blank.

Available when creating a general table using an external .csv file.

Column Chooser

Opens the Table Column Chooser dialog box, and selects columns to include in the table.

Available when creating a configuration table.

Selected Columns

Shows columns currently included in the configuration table.