Family Reference

Use the Family dialog box to select a family member to place from Content Center.

  • In the Place, Place Feature, or Replace from Content Center dialog box, select a part family, and click OK.
    Note: The Family dialog box is skipped when you use AutoDrop.
  • Right-click a Content Center part in the graphic window or in the browser, and select Change Size.

The available options depend on how you access the dialog box.

As Custom
Places the selected member as a custom part.
As Standard
Places the selected member as a standard part.
Use iMates
Places the selected by using the Content Center component iMates.
Replace All
Replaces all instances of the selected part in the assembly. Available only for Content Center parts.

Select tab

Lists the Family key columns.

Preview image
Displays the preview image for the selected part or feature family.
Selects values for all parameters to specify a part or feature to insert.
Context menu Add to Favorites
Adds the part or feature with the selected parameters to the active Favorites group.

Table View

Displays detailed information about the selected part family. Each row specifies parameters of a single-family member. Not available for features.

Filters the type of columns to display: Click the arrow to select columns to display in the table.
Displays the Sort dialog box. Use the Sort dialog box to access more filtering options.
Rows context menu
Add to favorites Adds the selected member to the current Favorites list.
Columns context menu
Hide Hides the selected column.

Unhide All Makes visible all the columns.

Column Properties Opens the Column Properties dialog box.

Family Information tab

The Family Information tab displays information about the selected part or feature family. Family information is read-only.

Displays name of the part or feature family in Content Center Library.
Displays the description text.
Standard Organization
Displays the standard organization.
Displays the Manufacturer property. When the part is placed in assembly, the text is stored in the Manufacturer iProperty.
Displays the standard that the family is based on.
Standard Revision
Displays the standard revision that the family is based on.
Source Library
Displays the name of the library, where the part (feature) family is saved.