About Tube and Pipe

Autodesk Inventor Tube & Pipe is an add-in to the assembly environment. It adds design tools for routing rigid pipes, bent tubes, and flexible hoses to mechanical assemblies or product designs in the assembly environment.

You must have access to the tube and pipe library in Content Center before you use Tube & Pipe. Log in to the Vault Server or use Desktop Content, depending on how your installation is configured.

When you add tube, pipe, and hose routes in the context of an existing assembly, you create runs, set styles, define routes, and then populate them to complete the run. You can add and define multiple routes and runs. Optionally throughout the design process, you can add and remove specific conduit parts and fittings . Once a tube and pipe assembly is complete, the tube and pipe information can be represented in drawings and presentations.

Note: For additional information on assemblies, refer to the Autodesk Inventor table of contents, Build Assemblies section.

Which tasks are performed with tube and pipe features?

When Autodesk Inventor Tube & Pipe is installed on your system, it adds the Create Pipe Run command to the Assemble tab so that you can create a master runs assembly in a standard Inventor assembly.

When you add your first run, the run is activated in place and several additional Tube & Pipe-specific features are available.

In the top assembly environment, you can create view representations, positional representations, and model states in which appropriate tube and pipe edits are available. For instance, edit flexible hose routes in positional representations and suppress tube and pipe components in model states. In addition, you can transition a normal tube and pipe assembly to an iAssembly factory and create a tube and pipe interchangeability set of adaptive master runs assembly members.

In the run environment, the Pipe Run tab is activated. Use the features added by the run environment to:

In the route environment, the Route tab is activated. In addition to the style and browser features listed for runs, you can:

In the part environment, the Tube & Pipe Authoring command is added. You can author normal parts and custom iParts for future publishing to the Content Center.

Can tube, pipe, and hose routes be run in other add-in application assemblies?

Pipe runs can be placed in any other Autodesk Inventor add-in application assembly. Use Tube & Pipe as you would with any other native Autodesk Inventor assembly.

What can standard Autodesk Inventor installations do with tube and pipe data?

If Autodesk Inventor Tube & Pipe is not installed on the system viewing the tube and pipe data, interaction with the data is restricted. The main master runs assembly and all that it contains is read-only.

In the graphics window, the outline of the tube and pipe component is visible, but the component cannot be edited. New tube and pipe components cannot be added.

Tasks you can perform include: