x(t) or r(t). Specify x or r as a function of t. For example x(t): t^2.
y(t) or θ(t) or ϕ(t). Specify y, θ, or ϕ as a function of t. For example, y(t): t^2.
z(t) or θ(a). Specify z or θ as a function of t. For example, z(t): t^2.
tmin. Specify the minimum value to evaluate.
tmax. Specify the maximum value to evaluate.
Tip: Select Show Units to display the equation with all units parsed.
Click OK to create the curve and exit the command. Click Apply to create the curve and remain in the command.
Edit Equation Curves (partial)
To edit an equation curve, do any of the following:
Right-click the curve in the graphics window or the browser then select Edit Equation Curve to display the mini-toolbar and change the equations, the coordinate system, or the range.
Drag the curve to reposition it, or drag geometry that is constrained to the curve.
Add constraints to control relationships between the curve and other geometry. Equation curves support coincident, tangent, perpendicular, and fix constraints.
Add dimensions between the curve and other geometry.
Right-click the curve and select Display Curvature to analyze the curvature of the equation curve.
In the mini-toolbar, select Show Transform to display the position and rotation values for X, Y, and Z (if 3D). The values are zero until the curve has been moved by dragging, constraints, or dimensions.