To Change Color of Solid, Surface, or Wire

To enhance the appearance and visibility of solids, surfaces, and wires, you can change their appearance, useful in making a feature or body more visible for communicating design intent.

Change Color In Construction Environment

You can change appearance at several levels within the construction environment.

  1. In the browser, Construction folder, right-click a node and select Properties.
  2. On the Properties dialog, click the down arrow on Appearance. Click to select an appearance, then click OK.

Change Group Appearance

Change Subgroup Appearance

In the construction environment, selecting a subgroup updates the Inventor Quick Access toolbar.

You can select a subgroup and change its appearance from the Inventor Quick Access toolbar.

Override Body or Face Appearance

In the construction environment, selecting a body, solid, surface, quilt, or face updates the Autodesk Inventor Quick Access toolbar.

Solids and Quilts can have body appearance overrides, but Wires cannot.
  • Appearance, select As Group, As Subgroup, or Construction to override the body appearance or face color.
  • In Appearance, select As Features or As Application Surface Appearance.

Change Appearance of Parametric Surface

You can change the appearance of surfaces to make them more visible. Surface features, faces within a surface feature, and placed features on surface features can all have appearance overrides.

  1. Create a surface feature.
  2. In the browser, right-click the feature, and select Properties.
  3. On the Feature Properties dialog, feature Appearance, click the down arrow, then select an appearance. Click OK.
  4. To switch between opaque or translucent, right-click the surface, and select the Translucent option.
  5. To override a surface face appearance, in Feature Appearance, select As Application Surface Appearance or As Feature.

    Surface face appearances are not used when new design data is created.

Change Appearance of Surface Features

  1. Select a feature and change its appearance from the Inventor Quick Access toolbar.
  2. In Appearance, select As Application Surface Appearance.

    In part modeling, selecting a surface feature updates the Inventor Quick Access toolbar.