Grip Snap Move Options Bar Reference

Provides a set of icons that represent the possible options available to define the behavior of the geometric entity you selected.


With the Grip Snap command active, the move option icons are displayed when you select the geometry you want to use as the basis of a move or rotation.

The Back icon is always included so that you can back out of your selections and deselect the geometry while keeping the command active.

Move option selections and results

Point as first selection, followed by:  
Move Option Selection Second Selection Third Selection Result for selection set:
Free Drag none   Repositioned so the origin is coincident with the selected point in space.
point   Moved to a position defined by the selected snap point.
line   Moved to a position defined by the cursor on the selected line.
plane   Moved to a position defined by the cursor on the selected plane.
Reference Geometry Displacement point   Moved (as applied to the point originally selected as the origin of the selection set) by the direction and magnitude derived from the 2 points selected.
line   Moved (as applied to the point originally selected as the origin of the selection set) by the direction and magnitude derived from the lines definition.
Free Rotate none   Rotated about its origin point in all 3 planes. The selected point in space defines the termination point for the rotation whip.
Reference Geometry Rotate point point Rotated about an axis defined by the 2 points selected (Cross Product) The angle of rotation is taken from the same 2 points (Dot Product).
Line (linear edge, work axis, centerline, implicit ray) as first selection, followed by:
Move Option Selection Second Selection Third Selection Result for selection set:
Free Drag none   Repositioned so the cursor pick point origin on the edge is coincident with the selected point in space.
point   Moved to a position defined by the selected snap point.
line   Based upon the pick point, moved to a position defined by a selected pick point on the line. Collinearity is established.
Move Along Ray none   Moved to a position defined by the selected point in space along the ray of displacement.
plane   Moved to a position defined by the intersection of the endpoint of the line (select other to toggle) and an intersection plane. You can enter an offset value.
Reference Geometry Displacement Along Ray point Point Moved the magnitude of the component derived from the 2 points selected along the ray of displacement.
line   Moved the magnitude of the component derived from the lines definition along the ray of displacement.
Free Rotate none   Rotated about an axis defined by the selected line. The selected point in space defines the input for the rotation angle.
point   Rotated about an axis defined by the selected line. The selected snap point defines the input for the rotation angle.
Reference Geometry Rotate point Point Rotated about an axis defined by the selected line. The angle of rotation is derived from selected points. You can enter an offset value.
line Line Rotated about an axis defined by the selected line. The angle of rotation is derived from selected lines (must be parallel to axis of rotation). You can enter an offset value.
plane Plane Rotated about an axis defined by the selected line. The angle of rotation is derived from the normal of the selected planes (must not intersect the axis of rotation). You can enter an offset value.
Curve (spline edge) as first selection, followed by:
Move Option Selection Second Selection Third Selection Result for selection set:
Free Drag none   Repositioned so the cursor pick point origin on the curve is coincident with the selected point in space.
point   Repositioned so the cursor pick point origin on the curve is coincident with the selected snap point.
line/edge   Repositioned so the cursor pick point origin on the curve is coincident with the selected point on the line/edge.
plane/surface   Repositioned so the cursor pick point origin on the curve is coincident with the selected point on the face or surface.
Reference Geometry Displacement point point Moved by the direction and magnitude derived from the 2 points selected.
line   Moved by the direction and magnitude derived from the definition of the line.
Circle - Vector (circular edge, arc edge) as first selection, followed by:
Move Option Selection Second Selection Third Selection Result for selection set:
Free Drag none   Repositioned so the cursor pick point origin on the edge is coincident with the selected point in space.
point   Repositioned so the cursor pick point origin on the edge is coincident with the selected snap point.
line   Repositioned so the cursor pick point origin on the edge is coincident with the selected point on the line.
circular/arc edge   Repositioned so the origin edge is coplanar with the selected circular/arc edge and the respective centerlines/vectors are collinear. An insert is established and flip is used to change between inside and outside.
analytic/NURB surface   Repositioned so the cursor pick point origin on the edge is coincident with the selected point on the surface.
Move Along Ray none   Moved to a position defined by selected point in space along the ray of displacement.
plane   Moved to a position defined by the intersection of the endpoint of the line (select other to toggle) and an intersection plane. You can enter a value for the offset.
Reference Geometry Displacement Along Ray point point Moved the magnitude of the component derived from the 2 points selected along the ray of displacement.
line   Moved the magnitude of the component derived from the lines definition along the ray of displacement.
Free Rotate none   Rotated about an axis defined by the circle-vector centerline. A selected point in space defines the input for the rotation angle.
point   Rotated about an axis defined by the circle-vector centerline. The angle of rotation is derived from the selected snap point.
Reference Geometry Rotate point point Rotated about an axis defined by the circle-vector centerline. The angle of rotation is derived from the selected points. You can enter an offset value.
line line Rotated about an axis defined by the circle-vector centerline. The angle of rotation is derived from the selected lines (must be parallel to axis of rotation). You can enter an offset value.
plane plane Rotated about an axis defined by the circle-vector centerline. The angle of rotation is derived from the normal of the selected planes (must not intersect the axis of rotation). You can enter an offset value.
Plane (planar face, work plane) as first selection, in Grip Snap followed by:
Move Option Selection Second Selection Third Selection Result for selection set:
Free Drag none   Positioned so that the cursor pick point origin on the plane is coincident with the selected point in space.
point   Based upon the cursor pick point, moved to a position defined by the selected snap point.
line   Repositioned so that the cursor pick point origin on the plane is coincident with the selected point on the line/edge.
plane   Based upon the cursor pick point, moved to a position defined by the selected pick point on the plane. A coplanar condition is established, and you can use flip to change between mate and flush.
Move Planar none   Repositioned (within the restricted plane defined by the initial selection) so that the cursor pick point origin on the plane is coincident with the selected relative point in space.
Reference Geometry Displacement Within Plane point Point Moved the magnitude of the component derived from the 2 points selected within the plane of displacement.
line   Moved the magnitude of the component derived from the definition of the line within the plane of displacement.
Move Along Normal none   Moved to a position defined by the selected point in space along the ray of displacement.
Reference Geometry Displacement Along Normal point Point Moved the magnitude of the component derived from the 2 points selected along the ray of displacement.
line   Moved the magnitude of the component derived from the lines definition along the ray of displacement.
Analytical Surface (Cylindrical, spherical, conical, toroidal face) as first selection:
Move Option Selection Second Selection Third Selection Result for selection set:
Free Drag none   Repositioned so that the cursor pick point origin on the analytical surface is coincident with the selected point in space.
point   Repositioned so that the cursor pick point origin on the analytical surface is coincident with the selected snap point.
line/edge   Repositioned so that the cursor pick point origin on the analytical surface is coincident with the selected point on the line or edge.
face/plane   Repositioned so that the cursor pick point origin on the analytical surface is coincident with the selected point on the face or plane.
cylindrical, spherical, conical & toroidal surfaces   Repositioned so that the cursor pick point origin on the analytical surface is coincident with the selected point on the destination surface. A tangency is established, and you can use flip to change between inside and outside.
NURB surface   Repositioned so that the cursor pick point origin on the analytical surface is coincident with the selected point on the NURB surface.
Reference Geometry Displacement point point Moved the magnitude of the component derived from the 2 points selected within the plane of displacement.
line   Moved the magnitude of the component derived from the definition of the line within the plane of displacement.
NURB Surface (non-uniform rational B-spline surface) as first selection:
Move Option Selection Second Selection Third Selection Result for selection set:
Free Drag none   Repositioned so that the cursor pick point origin on the surface is coincident with the selected point in space.
  point   Repositioned so that the cursor pick point origin on the surface is coincident with the selected snap point.
  line/edge   Repositioned so that the cursor pick point origin on the surface is coincident with the selected point on the line or edge.
  plane/surface   Repositioned so that the cursor pick point origin on the surface is coincident with the selected point on the face or surface.
Reference Geometry Displacement point point Moved the magnitude of the component derived from the 2 points selected within the plane of displacement.
  line   Moved the magnitude of the component derived from the definition of the line within the plane of displacement.

Move option icons and behavior descriptions

Entity Selected Icon Tool tip description of behavior
Free Drag
Move point using reference geometry
Rotate about point
Rotate about point using reference geometry
Free Drag
Drag Along Ray
Move along ray using reference geometry
Rotate about line
Rotate about line using reference geometry
Free Drag
Drag Planar
Move planar using reference geometry
Drag along normal
Move along normal using reference geometry
Free Drag
Move point using reference geometry
Free Drag
Drag along axis
Move along axis using reference geometry
Rotate about axis
Rotate about axis using reference geometry.
Analytic Surface
Free Drag
Move point using reference geometry
NURB Surface   Free Drag
Move point using reference geometry