About Style Libraries

A style library contains the definition of individual style types. When you apply a style to an object in a document, the attributes of the style are retrieved from the style library.

In Inventor, style Libraries are a common source of styles for projects. Style Libraries are shared between users in a manner like custom component libraries.

By default, all styles in the style library associated with the active drafting standard are available for formatting objects in documents. Usually the style library is managed by the CAD Administrator, so that the integrity of the library is maintained across the design project.

You can use a single global library so that all designers use the same styles, or you can specify a library for a specific set of design files or for each project. A style library can be specified in the project options. For more information, see the Project Editor reference.

How can I share styles across documents?

Styles are shared (or copied) among documents in two different ways:

What advantages do style libraries offer?

Style Libraries create a central location of styles for simple administration.

They offer users a central source for styles. Put a style library on a network so the whole project team can share the same formatting standards, materials, and so on. When changes are made to a style that all users must consume (for example, changing the precision of a dimension style), all that is needed is to save the changes to the Style Library. Changes to templates (potentially multiple templates) are not necessarily needed. Once saved, document styles are updated directly from the library.

Style Libraries are a common style source for all documents.

With Style Libraries, different document types read styles from the same source. This feature benefits parts, sheet metal parts, assemblies, and presentation files, which all use the same color and lighting styles from the library. It also means that materials can be shared between parts, sheet metal parts, and weldments.

Style Libraries can aid with large assembly performance.

Without a Style Library, each required style definition must be stored in a document. For parts, it can mean 20+ material and 30+ color styles in every file. It consumes memory though only one color and one material is used at a time. Multiplied by the hundreds of unique parts in a large assembly, it adds up quickly. By moving styles into the external style library, only in-use styles are cached in the document’s memory space, reducing the memory footprint of each document.

Style Libraries adapt to your unique needs.

Organizations can have a single, global library used by all designers, or each project can have its own specific library. This flexibility, along with a well-defined set of document templates, makes handling and encapsulation of project data manageable.

What is a style library?

Inventor provides a style library that contains a set of common materials, colors, and lighting for parts, as well as common drafting standards such as ANSI, ISO, and DIN for drawings. Style libraries are a common source of styles for all documents. Each style library is a collection of .xml files, one for each style type. For example, there is a file for dimensions, layers, and all other style types.

You can see a list of the style types in the browser of the Style and Standard Editor. Click Manage tab Styles and Standards panel Styles Editor .

What is stored in a style library?

Inventor provides a style library that contains a set of common materials, colors, and lighting for parts and assemblies, as well as common drafting standards such as ANSI, ISO, and DIN for drawings. Sheet metal styles include gage or sheet thickness as well as definitions for bends, corners, alternative flat pattern representations and unfolding preferences. Style libraries are a common source of styles for all documents in a design project. Each style library is a collection of .xml files, one for each style type. For example, there is a file for balloons, dimensions, layers, parts list, and all other style types.

The location of a Style Library is limited by one factor. Only one Style Library can exist in a directory. Style Libraries are stored on any local or network location.

When to use style libraries

A style library is a good way to manage styles so that they can be shared across documents in a design project. For example, material styles can be made available to designers so that all parts (and weldments in Inventor) have access to the same definitions. For example, material styles can be made available so that all parts have access to the same definitions. In drawings, using styles assures uniform annotations, including such details as arrowheads, dimensions, leaders, center marks, and so on.

A good time to start using style libraries is when you start a new design project, are new to Inventor, or are an individual designer or work in a small group. You can use the default style library associated with the drafting standard.

To get started, you can use the default styles that are associated with each drafting standard. That is, ANSI comes with its own set of styles, as does DIN, JIS and other international standards. As your company standardizes on how to format objects, styles can be added or edited, and the changed styles saved to the style library. New documents will automatically have the styles available for formatting.

You might want to transition to using a style library later if you have active legacy files, you work in a large workgroup, and have need for one or more custom style libraries.

Use a style library when:

Consider using a Style Library out of the box if you:

Working without a style library

If you later decide to work with the style library on, update the styles for previously created documents.

To transfer styles from one document to another, import or export styles.

Working with a style library

There are two ways to specify the style library to use. You can:

The default Style Library is located in the Design Data directory. This directory is defined by the Design Data path and is found and changed by selecting Tools tab Options panel Application Options on the ribbon. The option is found on the File tab.

Note: If the Design Data directory location changes (from the Application Options setting), all projects set to [Default] for their Style Library change to use the Style Library located in the new Design Data directory. This change does not affect objects inside the documents unless they find a matching style in the new library and updated manually to match.

When a project is created, or its Use Style Library option is changed from No to either Yes or Read Only, the project uses the default Style Library. It is indicated by [Default] as the setting for the Style Library folder option in the project file. The default Style Library is ideal for users who want to use a single style library for all of their projects.

The location of the Templates folder is by default:

Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 8: Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Inventor [version]\Templates.

It may be appropriate to have a Style Library that is specific to each project. For example, a contractor may need a different set of styles to match each customer’s formatting requirements for documentation.

A project is set to use a specific style library by setting the Style Library folder option to a specific path. If a Style Library exists in the specified directory, the project uses that Style Library. If the directory is empty, Inventor creates an empty Style Library for the project.

Working with a style library

To specify the style library to use, turn on the style library and then specify the default style library on the File tab of the Application Options dialog box.

Use a style library when:

Setting style library use for projects

When you set up a project, you specify:

Use Style Library = Read-Write

If Use Style Library is set to Read-Write, you can edit and change the styles in the library by performing a Save to Style Library from an Inventor document. Newly created styles can be saved to the active library. This setting also provides full sharing capability, streamlined updates of styles, and any potential capacity gain for large assemblies. All automatic management of styles is performed on all files opened under the project.

Note: A Style Library is a group of predefined XML files that are treated as a single entity. When you perform a Save to Style Library, the entire library is saved from internal memory back to disk. Use Style Library = Read-Write is recommended for CAD Administrators, or by users who do not share Style Libraries with other users.

Use Style Library = Read-Only

If Use Style Library is set to Read-Only, you cannot change the Style Library using any of the Save to Style Library functions inside Inventor. Newly created styles cannot be saved to the active library, but are still stored locally in the document. This is the typical setting to enforce standards for shared content.

Note: It is possible that one of the XML files making up a Style Library couls be set to Read Only through file properties. In this case, the project setting of Use Style Library = Read-Write is overridden and Inventor treats this if the Use Style Library option was set to Read Only.

How do the templates and styles interact?

Templates are the source of the default styles the document uses. When a new document is created, any styles in the template are copied from the Style Library as part of the document creation process.

When using a Style Library, styles that are in the template are refreshed to match the style library when a new document is created. If a style in a template does not exist in the library, it is added to the new document. If you want to have a specific set of styles you use all the time and you do not want all users to share a Style Library, we recommend you to use templates this way. For example, your company may have a single Style Library that all users share, containing all company-approved materials, drafting standards, and so on. However, a specific project may require a specific set of layers that are not part of the company standard. Instead of creating a separate Style Library for the project, the layers are added to the drawing template for the project.

Tip: When setting up templates for a project using a style library, we recommended that you purge all styles that are not required in the project.