To Perform Studio Lighting Styles Tasks

Create, edit, purge, rename, update, save style to library and import and export styles

The lighting styles in Autodesk Inventor Studio behave the same as the corresponding functions in the Autodesk Inventor Styles Editor. New or edited styles are saved in the current document and can be saved to the Studio lighting styles library. Studio Lighting styles are for use exclusively in Inventor Studio.

All lighting styles in Inventor Studio are associated with an environment lighting style. If a new lighting style is created the default environment lighting style is applied automatically. When you enter the Studio environment the model environment Lighting Style drop-down on the View tab > Appearances panel is disabled until you exit the Studio environment.

When you enter Inventor Studio, all legacy local lights will be disabled by default. You can turn on specific local lights manually as desired.

Create style

Activate an existing style, save it as new, and modify it to suit your requirements.

  1. In the Studio Lighting Styles dialog box, styles list, right-click the style to copy, and then click Copy Lighting Style. The new lighting style is a duplicate of the selected one.

    or Click New Lighting Style. New lighting styles are given a default parameters and assigned the Grid Light environment lighting style.

    You can also use the New Lighting Style command at the top of the dialog box.

  2. In the New Style Name dialog box, enter a new name, or accept the default name.
  3. Modify the style settings to suit your requirements, and save the changes.
  4. Click Done.

The new style is saved in the current document with the changes you made, and is listed in the Local Lighting Styles section of the styles list. Local styles have an asterisk after the name.

Tip: Before you save the new style, you can click Reset to return to the default values in the new style.

Edit style

  1. In the browser, double-click the style.


    Right-click the style, and then select Edit.

    The Styles dialog box opens with the active light style in focus.

  2. Enter your changes, and then click OK.

Purge style

Available if the selected style is not being used.

  1. In the styles dialog box, styles list, right-click the style, and then select Purge Style.


    Click Purge.

  2. Click Yes to purge the style or No to close the dialog box without purging.

The style is deleted, and is removed from the list in the style type browser.

Rename style

  1. In the styles dialog box, styles list, right-click a style, and then select Rename Style.
  2. Enter a new name for the style.
  3. Click OK.

The renamed style is listed in the style type browser with an asterisk before the name, denoting a local style.

Update style

Available if a local style is selected and it differs from a global style with the same name.

  1. In the styles dialog box, styles list, right-click the style to select it, and then click Update Style.
  2. Or, Click Update Style.

Data in the local style is replaced with data from the corresponding global style.

Save style to library

Available if a local style is selected, the style library is not read only, and the local style differs from a corresponding global style.

In the styles dialog box toolbar, click Save to Style Library .

The style is saved to the style library, and overwrites the existing global style, if there is one.

Import and export individual styles

You can import and export individual styles directly from the style dialog box. For example:

Import lighting style

  1. Click Import at the lower left corner of the dialog box.
  2. Navigate to the folder where the style is located and select the appropriate .styxml file.
  3. Click Open and the style is imported into Studio.
Note: If an existing style has the same name as the imported style you are prompted to overwrite the existing style with the imported style.

Export individual Lighting:

  1. In the Style list, right-click the style you want to export and click Export.
  2. Specify the folder and a meaningful name, and click Save.
Note: Consider setting up folders to store imported and exported styles so that you can reduce navigation time and have a single repository for styles.