Manage Libraries

For Tube & Pipe specific libraries, you can manage them the same as you do with Inventor-specific libraries. For example, to reuse custom library parts that you published in earlier versions of Autodesk Inventor Routed Systems, you can import the appropriate library database files. Using the Publish Part command, you can add your own tube and pipe parts that have been authored to the Content Center libraries for standard use.

Note: If a tube and pipe style uses the conduit part or fittings in a library that is currently not available, configure the library first. Then you can modify the style and populate routes that use this style.

Autodesk Inventor® Routed Systems provides three components to manage libraries, configure libraries, and edit library content with varied functions:

Autodesk Vault server

To use libraries in the Content Center, the server must be installed. You can create new libraries on the server and then use Configure Content Center Libraries to attach it to the Content Center. You can permanently delete a library from the server after you detach it from the Content Center.

Configure Content Center Libraries

Attach the libraries on the server to the Content Center.

Content Center Editor

Edit library parts from within the Content Center.