Part Enhancements

New workflows are added this release to help increase your productivity.


The fillet command is moved to the property panel framework and divided into three commands - Fillet, Face Fillet, Full Round Fillet. Legacy fillets are migrated to the appropriate type. Legacy fillet names are not modified during migration.
  • Fillet

    For more information, see To Create Edge Fillets.

  • Face Fillet
    Adds a fillet feature between two non-adjacent faces of a single solid. If there are contiguous features, these are capped and filled to create the fillet.

    For more information, see To Create Face Fillets.

  • Full Round Fillet

    Adds a fillet feature tangent to selected faces or sets of faces.

For more information, see To Create Full Round Fillets.

Legacy Fillets

When you edit a legacy component, fillet features will not change until you edit the fillet feature. Thus, fillet browser nodes appear as they have in the past until the fillet is edited. Clicking OK updates the browser node.

Feature Dimensions

Feature dimensions are updated to display with extended leader lines to allow clear viewing of the feature and it's affect on the model during and after creation. Legacy dimensions are updated when the parts are opened in Inventor.


Surface Mode

The Extrude property panel is updated to make the Surface mode option more apparent. The default extrude type is a solid body. Turn ON Surface mode to extrude surfaces, turn OFF Surface mode to extrude solids. The Surface mode setting is saved as part of a preset.

For more information, see To Create Extruded Features.