

Returns a list of points representing the union of the set of polygons in polys. This works like successive applications of polygonUnion( ), except that order does not matter.

Polygons are represented in a "lightweight" way by a list of points . The first three non-collinear points define the "plane" of the polygon, even if the rest of the points do not lie in that plane, they will be projected onto that plane for all computations.


polygonUnionList ( polys As List, _
                   Optional simplify? As Boolean = True, _
                   Optional ignoreBadPolygons? As Boolean = True ) As List
Argument Type Description
polys List A list of polygons ( lists of points ) for the union.
simplify? Boolean Optional; when true , the result will contain no colinear points . Default is True .
ignoreBadPolygons? Boolean Optional; during processing, it is possible to have intermediate results which are invalid polygons. This sometimes indicates a problem in the provided data, or it might be unimportant when all polygons are processed. Default is False .