

Sets the property Name on the COM object with IDispatch pointer disp to the given value. Always returns True


COM_putProperty_ ( ServerHandle As User, _
                    prop As String, _
                    value As Any, _
                    checkArguments As Boolean = False, _
                    ... indices As Any ) As Any 
Argument Type Description
serverHandle User IDispatch pointer
prop String Property name
value Any New value of the COM property
reuseID String Optional; obsolete; default value is "".
checkArguments? Boolean Optional; if True it checks the validity of the indices; default is False . Note that simple property calls do not have indices.
indices Any Optional; Additional arguments (indices) for the property. If the underlying IDispatch refers to a collection, then this argument is used as index to retrieve individual items.

Example 1

Hide the Word application window:
COM_putProperty_(wordApp, "visible", False)