Chain Dimension Set <IvChainDimensionSet>


IvChainDimensionSet creates a chain dimension set in an Inventor drawing.








Name Type Description
AllowEmpty? Boolean If False (old behavior), with creation errors, the exception is thrown.

If True, the creation errors are ignored and the %%updateSelf Rule is set to NoValue (though the dimension child is still in the intent tree, it is not created in Inventor drawings).

Default: False.

ArrangeText? Boolean Flags to automatically arrange texts of the dimensions.

Default: False.

Arrowhead1Inside? Arrowhead2Inside? Boolean Indicates that the arrowhead is inside
Arrowhead1Type Arrowhead2Type Name Indicates the type of the arrowhead.

Possible values: :ByStyle, :Blank, :Circle, :Closed, :Datum45Blank, :Datum45Filled, :Datum60Blank, :Datum60Filled, :Filled, :Flared, :Half1Filled, :Half1Flared, :Half2Filled, :Half2Flared, :LargeDot, :None, :Oblique, :Open, :Origin, :SmallDot, :ThickLine.

Default is :ByStyle.

BaseIndex Integer Specifies the index of the base dimension, if ArrangeText? is true.

Default: 1.

DimStyle String Inventor dimensioning style is used.
DimType Name Dimension alignment, possible keywords: :vertical, :horizontal, :aligned.

Default: :Aligned.

ExtensionLine1Visible? ExtensionLine2Visible? Boolean Indicates that the extension line is visible.
GeometryIntents List List of Lists in the form of { {part1,entity1[,intent1[,closestPoint1]]}, _ {part2,entity2[,intent2[,closestPoint2]]}, _ … {partN,entityN[,intentN[,closestPointN]]}}.

The attachment point is specified for other dimensions.

Layer String Name of the layer for the dimension.
Locked? Boolean Flags to lock the dimension set.

Default: True.

Precision Integer The number of decimal places displayed for this dimension.

Valid values 0…8 or NoValue.

Default: NoValue.

TextOrigin Point The placement position of the dimension text.
ToleranceHole String the string specifying the hole tolerance.

Default: NoValue.

ToleranceLower Number The lower variation from the nominal value.

Default: NoValue.

ToleranceMethod Name Specifies the tolerance type.

Valid values: :Basic, :Default, :Deviation, :LimitLinear, :LimitsFitsLinear, :LimitsFitsShowSize, :LimitsFitsShow, :LimitsFitsStacked, :LimitsStacked, :Max, :Min, :Override, :Reference, :Symmetric or NoValue.

Default: NoValue.

TolerancePrecision Integer The number of decimal places displayed for the tolerance.

Valid values 0…1 or NoValue.

Default: NoValue.

ToleranceShaft String The string specifying shaft tolerance.
ToleranceUpper Number The upper variation from the nominal value.

Default: NoValue.

View Part Represents the Drawing View's model contains the entities to be dimensioned.