

This design defines a basic solid closed spherical shape. Because the sphere is a solid, it inherits rules from the SolidMixin design , which includes typical mass properties associated with solid entities. The sphere design describes a closed solid that does not have any start or end angle parameters. The only required input for a sphere is its radius.






Name Type Description
radius number Radius of the sphere.
center point Center point of the sphere.


Name Type Description
bottomPoint point Point at location point(0,0,-radius) in the local reference frame , or center + vector(0, 0, -radius).
topPoint point Point at location point(0,0,radius) in the local reference frame , or center + vector(0, 0, radius).

Example 1

Name : Sphere_Ex01
Design : acDrawingDocument
Name Type Formula
radius number 10
thickness number 1
depth number 5
Child Name : outerSphere
Child Design : :sphere
Name Type Supplied
radius number Me.radius - Me.thickness
Child Name : cuttingBlock
Child Design : :block
Name Type Supplied
fTop point outerSphere.topPoint
width number Me.radius * 2
length number Child.width
height number Child.width - Me.depth
Child Name : result
Child Design : :booleanSolid
Name Type Supplied
operation name :difference
components list {outerSphere, innerSphere, cuttingBlock}
color string "red"