Linear Dimension <IvLinearDimension>


IvLinearDimension creates a linear dimension in an Inventor drawing.








Name Type Description
Entity1 String Name of an edge, surface or vertex of to be referenced.
Part1 Part Part to be dimensioned.
TextOrigin Point Text origin of dimension value.
View Part View that contains the parts to be dimensioned.


Name Type Description
AllowEmpty? Boolean If False (old behavior), with creation errors, the exception is thrown.

If True, the creation errors are ignored and the %%updateSelf Rule is set to NoValue (though the dimension child is still in the intent tree, it is not created in Inventor drawings).

Default: False.

ArrowheadsInside? Boolean Should arrowheads be inside the leader lines?


Boolean Indicates that the arrowhead is inside.


Name Indicates the type of the arrowhead Possible.

Values: :ByStyle, :Blank, :Circle, :Closed, :Datum45Blank, :Datum45Filled, :Datum60Blank, :Datum60Filled, :Filled, :Flared, :Half1Filled, :Half1Flared, :Half2Filled, :Half2Flared, :LargeDot, :None, :Oblique, :Open, :Origin, :SmallDot, :ThickLine.

Default is :ByStyle.

CenterText? Boolean Should the dimension text be centered?


Point Points used to select the correct drawing curve on the view. If there are several curves representing the entity, the one closest to the point is selected. Measure of closeness is a distance from the point to the center of the curve's bounding box.
Color String Specifies the color to be used for the dimension. By default, controls both the dimension lines and the text.
ColorDimLines String Color of dimension lines. By default, the value of the 'color' parameter is used.
ColorText String Color of dimension value. By default, the value of the 'color' parameter is used.
DimStyle String Inventor dimensioning style to be used.
DimType Name Dimension alignment, possible keywords: :vertical, :horizontal, :aligned, :arcLength, :symmetric, :diametric
Entity2 String Name of edge, surface, or vertex of the dimension should reference.


Boolean Indicates that the extension line is visible.
Foreshortened? Boolean If true, the foreshortened angular dimension is created.

Default: False.

FormattedText String Text to be placed on the drawing. The text should already be formatted. See format().
HideValue? Boolean Allows you to hide the dimension value, if set to True.

Default: False

HorizontalJustification Name Horizontal alignment of text, possible keywords are: :left, :center, :right.
InspectionDataLabel String Formatted text placed left of the dimension value.

Default: Empty string.

InspectionDataShape Name The border shape: can be one of the following: :AngularEnds,:NoBorder,:RoundedEnds.

Default is :RoundedEnds.

InspectionDataRate String Formatted text (percentage value) placed to the right of the dimension value.

Default: Empty string.

Intent1 Any Type of dimension point , possible keywords: :startPoint, :endPoint, :midPoint, :centerPoint, :circularLeftPoint, :circularRightPoint, :circularTopPoint, :circularBottomPoint.
Intent2 Any Type of dimension point , possible keywords: :startPoint, :endPoint, :midPoint, :centerPoint, :circularLeftPoint, :circularRightPoint, :circularTopPoint, :circularBottomPoint.
IsInspectionDimension? Boolean Enables the inspection data on the dimension.

Default: False.

Layer String Name of layer for the dimension.
LineSpacing Number Line spacing
LineSpacingType Name Type of line spacing, possible keywords are: :Multiple, :Exact.
Part2 Part Part the dimension should reference.
Precision Integer The number of decimal places displayed for this dimension.

Valid values 0…8 or NoValue.

Default: NoValue.

ToleranceHole String The string specifying hole tolerance.

Default: NoValue.

ToleranceLower Number The lower variation from the nominal value.

Default: NoValue.

ToleranceMethod Name Specifies the tolerance type.

Valid values: :Basic, :Default, :Deviation, :LimitLinear, :LimitsFitsLinear, :LimitsFitsShowSize, :LimitsFitsShow, :LimitsFitsStacked, :LimitsStacked, :Max, :Min, :Override, :Reference, :Symmetric or NoValue.

Default: NoValue.

TolerancePrecision Integer The number of decimal places displayed for the tolerance.

Valid values 0…1 or NoValue.

Default: NoValue.

ToleranceShaft String The string specifying the shaft tolerance.
ToleranceUpper Number The upper variation from the nominal value.

Default: NoValue.

VerticalJustification Name Vertical alignment of the text, possible keywords are: :upper, :middle, :lower.