

Retrieves the list of COM Properties that are supported by IDispatch pointer with the description of the types and argument names.


COM_getProperties_ ( serverHandle As User ) As Any
Argument Type Description
serverHandle User IDispatch pointer

Example 1

Shows the list of all methods/properties that are defined on Word.Application object.
Method getWinWordModel() As List 
    Dim winword As User = COM_connectServer_("Word.Application") 
    Dim retList As List = {"Methods:"} + COM_getMethods_(winword) + {"Properties:"} + COM_getProperties_(winword) 
    Return retList 
End Method
Output [truncated]:
--> {"Methods:", "void QueryInterface( in GUID* riid, out void** ppvObj)", "ULONG AddRef( )", "ULONG Release( )", "void GetTypeInfoCount( out UINT* pctinfo)", "void GetTypeInfo( in UINT itinfo, in ULONG lcid, out void** pptinfo)", ? "Properties:", "Application* Application", "long Creator", "IDispatch* Parent", "BSTR Name", "Documents* Documents", ? }