

Returns True if p2 is within tol of the infinite line through p1 and p3. If any of the points are coincident, they are also colinear by definition.


colinearPoints? ( p1 As Point, _
                  p2 As Point, _
                  p3 As Point, _
                  Optional tol As Number = 0.001 ) As Boolean 
Argument Type Description
p1 Point First point of infinite line.
p2 Point The point to be tested.
p3 Point Second point of infinite line.
tol Number Optional; tolerance for the deviation; default is 0.001.

Example 1

Intent >colinearPoints?(Point(0,0,0), Point(1,0,0), Point(2,0,0))
--> True

Example 2

Intent >colinearPoints?(Point(0,0,0), Point(1,0,0.125), Point(2,0,0))
--> False

Example 3

Intent >colinearPoints?(Point(0,0,0), Point(1,0,0.125), Point(2,0,0), tol := 0.5)
--> True
Using the same points as Example 2, but specifying a tolerance.