

Return a copy of the list , having removed all members for which the function fun returns True .


removeIf? ( fun As Name, _
            list As List ) As List 
Argument Type Description
fun Name The name of the function to apply. The function must return a boolean .
list List The list of arguments to which the test function will be applied.

Example 1

Removing empty sublists
Intent >removeIf(empty?, { {:a}, {:b}, {}, {:d} }) 
--> {{:a}, {:b}, {:d}}
In this example, all empty sublists are removed. In this case, this results in the removal of only the third item in the input list .

Example 2

Using a custom function
Intent >removeIf(integer?, {:a, :c, "b", :c, 1.1, 3, :c, 3, 2, 1}) 
--> {:a, :c, "b", :c, 1.1, :c} 
In this example, only non-integers were returned using the following custom function.
Function integer?(item as Any) as Boolean 
    integer? = (typeName(item) = :integer) 
End Function 

Example 3

Using a built-in system function with integer list elements
Intent >removeIf(:even?, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}) 
--> { 1, 3, 5, 7 }