Sheet Metal Part Punch Tool Feature <IvSMPartPunchFeature>


Punch Tool Features live as children of the target IvSheetMetalPart for the feature.





Name Type Description
name string Name of the Punch Tool Feature
face string The name of a planar face or a work plane, on which the sketch will be created.
origin string Name of a vertex or a work point , where sketch origin is placed.
xAxis string Name of an edge or a work axis, along sketch X axis
reverseXdirection? boolean True , if sketch X direction should be reversed
Points list Formatted as { point1, point2, ... } List of Points that specify the Punch centers
iFeatureFile string Name of the file with Punch iFeature. iv_getPunchesPath() function may be used for determining of the Punches location in Inventor
Angle number Angle of Punch Tool Rotation. Default is 0 degrees
FeatureInputs list List of Feature Inputs. The list is formatted as: { { stringInputName1, valueOrExpression1}, { stringInputName2, valueOrExpression2}, ...}

* inputName As String is the Parameter name

* ValueOrExpression - Expression (if String )

or Value( if Number or Integer ) of the iFeature parameter

For table-driven Punches, the active row may be specified as {rowNumber}

Default is {} -- use the parameter values from an iFeature file, or the active row specified in a file


Name Type Description
sketchName string Name of a Sketch. By default it is "Sketch_" + Name