Imported SAT File <IvSATFile>


IvSatFile imports and instances a SAT file as an inventor part file.




Name Type Description
SATFileName string Required; the full path and file name of the SAT file.
CombineBodies? boolean Performs a Union operation on all bodies in the SAT file when True (the default)
outputType name Specify the SAT output as :Solid (the default), :Surface, or :Composite
bomStructure name Specify the BOM structure of the resulting component as either :Default (the default) or :Reference
grounded? boolean Specifies whether or not the Inventor occurrence is grounded, default is False .
ignorePosition? boolean When True (the default), the position of the frame is ignored so that the part is not moved back to the defined position on evaluation, allowing the use of constraints to position the part . Set to False and set grounded? to True for Frame-based positioning.
isRef? boolean Specifies that no occurrence should be created if True ; default is False .
reportModelingErrors? boolean Specifies whether Inventor errors during modeling are reported as Intent errors, default is True .