

Records a dependency between Part+RuleName pairs. In normal operation, Intent records dependencies between "slots" (See Note) automatically. No action is required by the rule writer. However, there are certain instances where it is desirable to explicitly declare a dependency, typically when operations occur outside of Intent's control, or through a side-effect.

Note: A "slot" on a Part is (virtual) place set aside for recording dependencies between Parts . Technically, dependencies are recorded between slots, not Parts or rules . This is necessary because a Part might not have a rule that is being referenced, yet it still must be able to record the fact that it was referenced.


noteSideEffect ( modifyingPart As Part, _
                 modifyingSlot As Name, _
                 modifiedPart As Part, _
                 modifiedSlot As Name ) As Integer 
Argument Type Description
modifyingPart Part The Part owning the slot causing the modification.
modifyingSlot Name The name of the slot causing the modification.
modifiedPart Part The Part being modified.
modifiedSlot Name The name of the slot being modified.