

Writes a new value for an existing property that belongs to any non-standard property sets. The property can be specified using either the display name or the internal name. If TreatAsDate? is True the supplied string value is treated as a date value. If createNew? is True a new property is added to the pre-defined "User Defined Properties" property set.


iv_PropertyPut ( Part As Part, _
                 PropertyName As String, _
                 value As Any, _
                 Optional createNew? As Boolean = False, _
                 Optional TreatAsDate? As Boolean = False ) As Any 
Argument Type Description
Part part Inventor component owning the property
PropertyName string Name of property
Value any Value of property
createNew? boolean Optional; creates a new User property only if True ; default is False .
TreatAsDate? boolean Optional; interprets the value as a date if True ; default is False .