Continue Statement

Use a Continue statement to skip the remaining statements within the body of any loop statement (While, Do, For), and begin the next iteration.

Continue <expression>

A Continue statement must be contained within the kind of block specified in the statement: Continue For must appear within a For loop, Continue While in a while loop, and so on.

In the following example, when the value of test exceeds the upper and lower limits, a system message is generated; otherwise, the While loop starts a new iteration.

Parameter Rule unitWeight As Integer = 4

Rule test As Number
   Dim counter As Integer = 0
   Dim loLimit As Number = 8.0
   Dim hiLimit As Number = 35.0
   While counter < 10
      counter = counter + 1
      test = test + unitWeight
      If (test > loLimit) And (test < hiLimit) Then
         Continue While
      End If
      printValue("Item #" + stringValue(counter) + _
         " out of range: " + stringValue(test))
   End While
End Rule