XML Parsed Document <XmlParsedDocument>


Represents the structure of the parsed XML Document. Also provides the facilities to work with XML files and strings.




Name Type Description
inputType name Required parameter that specifies whether the document content is read from a file (:File), or from a text string (:Text). Use the File parameters to identify the file, or the xmlText parameter to provide a string. Possible values: :File, :Text.
xmlFilePath string Full path of the file to load to create document. By default, is compound of xmlFileDirectory and xmlFileName rules.
xmlFileName string Name of file to load to create document (file name only). Default value: "" (empty string).
xmlFileDirectory string Directory containing file to load to create document. Default value: ProjectLocation().
xmltext string XML Text from which to create XmlDocument. Can be used as an alternative to xmlFilePath. Default value: "" (empty string).
expandChildNodes? boolean Specifies whether to expand child nodes. Default is True.


Name Type Description
ValidInputTypes list Contains the list of legitimate inputs for inputType rule. Value: { :Text, :File }.


xpathValue( xpath As String, _
             Optional ignoreErrors? As Boolean = False, _
             Optional defaultValue As String = "" ) As String 

Returns the XML string representing the result of XPath query operation (inner text). This is equivalent to .SelectSingleNode call. If there are several nodes that satisfy the XPath query, the first one's text is returned.

Argument Description
xpath XPath query string
ignoreErrors? Optional; if set to True, then errors do not result in exceptions; default is False.
defaultValue Optional; represents the returned string if the error occurs (and ignoreErrors? is True)
xpathValues( xpath As String, _
              Optional ignoreErrors? As Boolean = False ) As List 

Returns the List of XML strings representing the result of XPath operation. This is equivalent to .SelectNodes call. The inner texts of all nodes that satisfy the XPath query are returned in elements of the list.

Argument Description
xpath XPath query string
ignoreErrors? Optional; if set to True, then errors do not result in exceptions; default is False.