

Returns the point of tangency on the line tangent to two circles. The point returned is on the first Arc given. The boolean values are used to discriminate among the 4 choices. Each is an "onRight" parameter relative to the vector from the center of the first arc to the second, with respect to the normal of the first. Part1 and Part2 must both handle the Arc protocol (supplied by ArcMixin).


line2TanArcP ( part1 As Part, _
               part2 As Part, _
               onRight1? As Boolean, _
               onRight2 As Boolean? ) As Point 
Argument Type Description
part1 Part This is one of the tangent arcs. The part must be a kind of ArcMixin.
part2 Part This is the second tangent arcs. The part must be a kind of ArcMixin.
onRight1? Boolean Determines on which side of the first arc the tangent line lies. "OnRight" is relative to a vector from the center of the first arc to the second.
onRight2? Boolean Determines on which side of the second arc the tangent line lies. "OnRight" is relative to a vector from the center of the first arc to the second.

Example 1

Intent >line2TanArcP(ArcLeft, ArcRight, True, True) 
--> Point_(0.328, -1.719, 0.0, WorldFrame()) 
This is identical to the illustration above with onRight1? and onRight2? both True .

Example 2

Intent >line2TanArcP(ArcLeft, ArcRight, False, True) 
--> Point_(1.203, 1.271, 0.0, WorldFrame()) 

Example 3

Intent >line2TanArcP(ArcRight, ArcLeft, True, True) 
--> Point_(4.188, 0.982, 0.0, WorldFrame()) 
This is similar to Example 1, but the order of the arcs has been reversed so the tangent line goes from ArcRight to ArcLeft.