

Returns a new string with all characters of findChars in str replaced with the corresponding chars from repChars.


charReplace ( str As String, _
               findChars As String, _
               repChars As String ) As String 
Argument Type Description
str String the input string to modify, may be empty
findChars String a string of the characters to replace
repChars String a string of replacement characters, corresponding to the characters in findChars. Must contain the same number of characters as findChars.

Example 1

Intent >charReplace("asdf", "a", "b") 
--> "bsdf" 

Example 2

Intent >charReplace("asdf", "as", "bx") 
--> "bxdf" 

Example 3

Intent >charReplace("asdf", "ks", "bx") 
--> "axdf"