

This design is used as a mixin in other designs to define a cylindrical system, dimensions and points . However, it does not have any geometry of its own.




Name Type Description
height number Height of the Cylinder along the Z axis from the bottomPoint to the topPoint
radius number Radius of the Cylinder in the XY plane measured at the bottomPoint


Name Type Description
bottomPoint point Point at the center of the bottom face of the Cylinder.
topPoint point Point at the center of the top face of the Cylinder.
diameter number Diameter of the Cylinder in the XY plane measured at the bottomPoint.
axis vector Vector from the bottomPoint towards the topPoint. Used when only one of the two defining points , topPoint or bottomPoint, is specified.
closed? boolean When true , specifies that the ends of the cylinder are closed.
startAngle number Specifies the beginning angle for a partial cylinder.
endAngle number Specifies the ending angle for a partial cylinder.

Group Rules

<diameter_only (diameter)> Providing a diameter will satisfy the required radius.

<_bottomPoint (bottomPoint)> Supplying bottomPoint will locate the Cylinder relative to the center of the bottom face. The height and radius are also required.

<_topPoint (topPoint)> Supplying topPoint will locate the Cylinder relative to the center of the top face. The height and radius are also required.

<bottomPoint_axis (bottomPoint axis)> Supplying bottomPoint and axis will locate the Cylinder relative to the center of the bottom face and change the Cylinder's axis accordingly. The height and radius are also required.

<topPoint_axis (topPoint axis)> Specifying topPoint and axis will locate the Cylinder relative to the center of the top face and change the Cylinder's axis accordingly. The height and radius are also required.

<topPoint_bottomPoint (topPoint bottomPoint)> Supplying topPoint and bottomPoint will locate the Cylinder relative to both the top and bottom face centers. These two points will also determine the Cylinder's height and axis, but the radius is still required.

Example 1

Name : cylinderMixin_Ex01
Design : Mixins cylinderMixin AcDrawingDocument
Name Type Formula
height number 30
radius number 5
Child Name : top
Child Design : :Cylinder
Name Type Supplied
height number 0.5
radius number Me.radius
topPoint point Me.topPoint
color string "red"
Child Name : bottom
Child Design : :Cylinder
Name Type Supplied
height number 0.5
radius number Me.radius
bottomPoint point Me.bottomPoint
color string "red"
Child Name : stiffener1
Child Design : :Block
Name Type Supplied
height number Me.height - bottom.height - top.height
length number 1.5 * Me.radius
width any 1
fBottom point bottom.topPoint
color string "red"
Child Name : stiffener2
Child Design : :Block
Name Type Supplied
height number Me.height - bottom.height - top.height
length number 1
width any 1.5 * Me.radius
fBottom point bottom.topPoint
color string "red"

Example 2

Name : cylinderMixin_Ex02
Design : Mixins AcDrawingDocument
Child Name : side
Child Design : :block
Name Type Supplied
height number 400
length number 200
width number 50
color string "blue"
Child Name : top
Child Design : :block
Name Type Supplied
height number 75
length number 200
width number 200
color string "jungle green"
eTopRight point side.eTopLeft
Child Name : unit
Child Design : :block
Name Type Supplied
height number 75
length number 150
width number 150
color string "dandelion"
v011 point top.v010
Child Name : shortColumn
Child Design : :CylinderMixin_Ex01
Name Type Supplied
radius number 20
height number 250
topPoint point Unit.v010 + vector(20,-20,0)
bottomPoint point child.topPoint + Vector(0, 0, 0 - child.height)
Child Name : tallColumn
Child Design : :CylinderMixin_Ex01
Name Type Supplied
radius number 20
height number 325
topPoint point Me.unit.v000 + vector(20,20,0)
bottomPoint point child.topPoint + Vector(0, 0, 0 - child.height)