

Opens the Recordset of the specified type in the database, using an SQL expression.


odbc_recordsetOpen ( db As Part, _
                     type As Name, _
                     SQLstatement As String, _
                     Optional options As List = {}, _
                     Optional ignoreErrors? As Boolean = False, _
                     Optional reuse? As Boolean = False, _
                     Optional requery? As Boolean = False, _
                     Optional maxStringSize As Integer = 1024, _
                     Optional updateOnUpdate? As Boolean = True, _
                     Optional manualDelete? As Boolean = False ) As User
Argument Type Description
db part ODBC Database part .
type name Type of the recordset to open. Possible values are :snapshot, :dynaset, :forwardonly
SQLstatement string The DQL statement that results in creation of the recordset.
options list Optional; OBSOLETE; default is {}.
ignoreErrors? boolean Optional; if the argument is True , then database errors are not reported as Intent exceptions; default is False .
reuse? boolean Optional; OBSOLETE; default is False .
requery? boolean Optional; OBSOLETE; default is False .
maxStringSize integer Optional; specifies the maximum lengths of the buffers allocated for the fields containing string/char data; default is 1024.
updateOnUpdate? boolean Optional; OBSOLETE; default is True .
manualDelete? boolean Optional; OBSOLETE; default is False .