

Unbinds slot in Part p, and optionally all dependent slots. Returns True if successful.

A "slot" is usually a cached rule . When the rule is evaluated, the value is stored on the owning part in a slot. In non-typical cases, parts can contain slots for rules they do not actually own, however it would be unusual to call this function in such a case.

This function specifically permits name to not exist as a rule on part . There is no harm done in such cases, as there is no slot to unbind.


unbindSlot ( p As Part, _
             slot As Slot, _
             Optional unbindDependents? As Boolean = True ) As Boolean 
Argument Type Description
p Part The Part containing the slot to be unbound.
slot Name The Name of the slot to be unbound.
unbindDependents? Boolean Optional; specifies whether to unbind any dependent slots; default is True .