Query Command <dbQueryCommand>


This design allows to call stored procedure and parameterized queries.


Name Type Description
connection part Connection part, usually a Parent.
commandText string Required Command Text: Stored procedure name or SQL statement.
commandType name Required Command type: Stored procedure or SQL statement. (:StoredProcedure or :Statement)
InputParameters list (List of Lists) Specification of the Input Parameters Inner List describes the Parameter in format: {parameterName, dbType, value, size} where: * (String) parameterName - the name of the parameter of the stored procedure or SQL statement (it should start with the @, for example "@parIn") * (DbType) dbtype - see documentation on System.Data.DbType enumeration for the possible values. Example: System.Data.DbType.String * value - the input value * size - should be specified for strings/BLOBs to indicate the storage size, otherwise should be set to -1 There are ado* helper methods in %%dbConnection mixin that you may call
OutputParameters any (List of Lists) Specification of the Output Parameters Inner List describes the Parameter in format: {parameterName, dbType, value, size} where: * (String) parameterName - the name of the parameter of the stored procedure or SQL statement (it should start with the @, for example "@parOut") * (DbType) dbtype - see documentation on System.Data.DbType enumeration for the possible values. Example: System.Data.DbType.String * value - the input value * size - should be specified for strings/BLOBs to indicate the storage size, otherwise should be set to -1 There are ado* helper methods in %%dbConnection mixin that you may call


Name Type Description
ResultSet list The result set returned from the Stored Procedure or Statement, if any
OutputValues list List of the results. The values correspond to the OutputParameters.

Execute Stored Procedure

In this case, the result is returned in a result set.

Child Name: spRun
Child Design: DbQueryCommand
Name Type Supplied
connection part Root.sqlServerConnection
CommandText string "ReadResultSet"
commandType name :StroredProcedure
Stored Procedure:

PROCEDURE dbo.ReadResultSet AS

SELECT CarID, CarType, Color FROM CarsTable 

Intent > ResultSet

--> {{1, "Pontiac ", "Red "}, {2, "Lada ", "Green "}, {3, "BMW ", "Black "}, {4, "Chrysler ", "Yellow "}, {5, "FIAT ", "Brown "}} 

Pass Parameters in/out

In this case, the result is returned in output parameters. Please note, the order is determined by the order of the descriptions in the OutputParameters rule.

Child Name: carSpecs
Child Design: dbQuerycommand
Name Type Supplied
Connection part Root.sqlServerConnection
CommandType name :Statement
CommandText string " SELECT @outColor = Color, @outType =CarType from CarsTable where CarID = @carID "
InputParameters list {adoIntegerParameter(" @carID ", 1)}
OutputParameters list

{adoStringParameter(" @outType ", "", 50), _

adoStringParameter(" @outColor ", "", 50)}

Intent >OutputValues
--> {"Pontiac ", "Red "}