Table of Function Annotations

The table below lists common function annotations along with a brief description.

Annotation Description
%%Description Specifies the description string used in tooltips in the Design Editor when hovering over function names in the source and the Function tree
%%DisplayName Specifies an alternate display name for a function when it appears in the Design/Function tree and other standard UI controls where functions are displayed; this string may contain spaces where a function name may not.
%%EvalHelp If True evaluates %%HelpFile as a rule to specify the help for a function; else %%HelpFile is interpreted as a file name and path.
%%HelpFile Specifies the help file (*.chm) for a function; If %%EvalHelp is True the value is evaluated as a rule, else the value is interpreted as a file name and path.
%%HelpId Specifies the URL to a page in the CHM file specified in %%HelpFile .
%%Hidden If True the function is hidden from the function tree in Design Editor and other standard UI controls where functions are displayed.