

Returns the center point of a circular arc through two points p1 and p2, where the arc is on a plane normal to the vector normal. The boolean onRight? is used to discriminate between the two possible choices -- True selects center point to the right of vector p1p2 when the arc is viewed directly.


arcCenter2Point ( p1 As Point, _
                  p2 As Point, _
                  radius As Number, _
                  normal As Vector, _
                  onRight? As Boolean ) As Point 
Argument Type Description
p1 Point one of two points on arc
p2 Point one of two points on arc
radius Number radius of arc
normal Vector defines the plane of arc
onRight? Boolean used to discriminate between two possible choices for arc

Example 1

Using a rule to define all the arguments
Rule centerPnt As Point
    Dim p1 As Point = point(0,-2,0)
    Dim p2 As Point = point(0,2,0)
    Dim radius As Number = 3
    Dim normal As Vector = vector(0,0,1)
    Dim onRight? As Boolean = True

    Return arcCenter2Point(p1, p2, radius, normal, onRight?)
End Rule
Evaluate the rule above
Intent >centerPnt
--> Point_(2.23606797749979, 0.0, 0.0, WorldFrame())