

Returns the item that meets your search criteria from a list . In its simplest form, it will return the first item from the list inList that matches item. It is more useful when you supply a key, which is a function name applied to each entry in inList. If no entry meets the criteria, NoValue is returned.


find ( item As Any, _
       inList As List, _
       Optional key As Any ) As Any 
Argument Type Description
item Any The value that must be matched for a successful search.
inList List List of candidates. Only the first one to match will be returned.

Optional Arguments

Name Type Default Value Description
key Any Identity Optional; the name of the function applied to each entry in inList prior to comparison; default is :Identity.

Example 1

Intent >find(3, {1, 2, 3}) 
--> 3 

Example 2

Intent >find(7, {4, 8, 2}) 
--> NoValue 

Example 3

Intent >find(9, {{3, 6, 9}, {9, 5, 6}, {9, 1, 2}}, key := :first) 
--> { 9, 5, 6} 
In this example, item is compared to only the first member of each of the lists in inList. Note that only the first match was returned.

Example 4

Intent >find("mary", {"peter", "paul", "mary"}) 
--> "mary" 

Example 5

Intent >find(3, {{2, "lm"}, {3, "pq"}, {4, "xy"}}, key := :first) 
--> {3, "pq"}