IvCustomTable creates a custom table on a drawing sheet.
Name | Type | Description |
sheet | part | (From IvCommonTableMixin) Part representing the drawing sheet on which to place the table. Defaults to the part's parent in the model hierarchy. |
placementPoint | part | (From IvCommonTableMixin) Anchor point of the table -- corresponds to top left corner of the table on the sheet. |
cellContents | list | List of the content of each cell without the title cells. The number of the list elements must be equal to the product of numColumns and numRows. |
columnTitles | list | List of the content of the title cells. This defines the title row. This should be a list of strings . |
columnWidths | list | (Optional) Can be used to specify the widths of the columns in the table. If provided, must contain 'numCols' entries. The list must contain numbers (or integers ). |
layer | string | Associated Inventor layer. |
numColumns | integer | Number of columns in the table. By default, this is computed from the cellContents list . |
numRows | integer | Number of rows in the table. By default, this is computed from the cellContents list . |
rowHeights | list | (Optional) Can be used to specify the heights of the rows in the table. If provided, must contain 'numRows' entries. The list must contain numbers (or integers ). |
title | string | Text to be displayed in the title of the table. Defaults to "Custom Table". |