Table of Design Annotations

The table below lists common design annotations along with a brief description.

Annotation Description
%%CategoryOrder Specifies the order of categories for a design when displayed in the Property Pane or Part Editor; categories not named appear after named categories.
%%Description Specifies the description string used in tooltips in the Design Editor when hovering over design names in the source and the Design tree
%%DisplayName Specifies an alternate display name for a design when it appears in the Design/Function tree and other standard UI controls where designs are displayed; this string may contain spaces where a design name may not.
%%EvalHelp If True evaluates %%HelpFile as a rule to specify the help for a design; else %%HelpFile is interpreted as a file name and path.
%%HelpFile Specifies the help file (*.chm) for a design; If %%EvalHelp is True the value is evaluated as a rule, else the value is interpreted as a file name and path.
%%HelpId Specifies the URL to a page in the CHM file specified in %%HelpFile .
%%Hidden If True the design is hidden from the design tree in Design Editor and other standard UI controls where designs are displayed.
%%Icon Specifies a custom icon for the design by passing an ICO file name located in the system resource folder, in the folder with the design or relative to the folder with the design.
%%OpenCategories Specifies which categories are open by default in the Part Editor or Properties Pane .
%%PartEditorRules Specifies a comma separated list of parameters to display in the Part Editor ; all parameters not listed are excluded, including those from mixins.
%%PartEditorCategories Specifies a comma separated list of rule categories to display in the Part Editor ; all categories not listed are excluded.
%%RootDesign Specifies that a design is organized at the root of the design tree, under User Designs , regardless of the parent design.